I filled up in Davenport to avoid paying much higher prices in Illinois. Hours after I turned off US 61 back onto I-80,
the interstate between here and Iowa City was closed due to flooding on the Cedar River.
Plenty of space on the shield for an "Illinois," but there was none to be found.
Sign at the DeKalb Oasis
First clinched interstate of the trip: I-88 in Illinois, a 2di all in one afternoon!
East end of US 34 at IL 43. I took 34 back west to meet with other Thursday-night arrivals.
I don't even have to leave the meeting place to get the first pictures Friday - button copy signs and "Toll" tags (next picture).
Into O'Hare Airport to clinch I-190 and do a loop around the terminal.
I-190 merges into I-90 (left) and I-90 becomes a free road. I-190 is clinched interstate #2.
Route so far: I-88, I-290, I-190 loop, over to Elgin-O'Hare Expressway, I-290, I-355.
I-355 prepares to parallel I-88 for a bit.
Oddly offset I-55 shields at this interchange as we pick up the new stretch of I-355.
A 5-mile advance BGS! I-355 is the only 3di that both begins and ends with an odd number and intersects I-80 outside of California.
I-355, new segment and all, clinched interstate #3.
Directions above the I-80/294 oasis doors
View of EB 80/SB 294 from the oasis
We took I-80 from I-355, ate at the oasis, and went one exit south on IL 394 to approach the I-80/90/294 interchange from the south.
Because there are so many possible destinations from this interchange, we have "control states."
So is it the state of Chicago, or the cities of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Indiana?
Prior to here, we did some surface streets through Hammond before going on IN 912.
Last exit before the Indiana Toll Road; we'll follow 41 back to 80.
Re-entering Illinois, then still ruled by Governor Blagowhoshisface.