Two ‘worst trophies’? Really?

For the record, this is at least the second time in two years the Telephone Trophy has been spat on, possibly the most attention it’s received in forever. Oh, and you can remove the receiver, too. Image from Cyclone Fanatic.

USA Today’s Paul Myerberg, straining for a “Top five” list in his Iowa State college football preview, cane up with this:

College football’s worst rivalry trophies

1. Tiger Rag (LSU-Tulane)
2. Old Oaken Bucket (Indiana-Purdue)
3. Cy-Hawk Trophy (Iowa-Iowa State)
4. Bronze Stalk Trophy (Ball State-Northern Illinois)
5. Telephone Trophy (Iowa State-Missouri)

The Telephone Trophy, at least, has a story behind it, and it came about organically. The same can’t be said for the Iowa-Nebraska “Hy-Vee Heroes Game,” which has this. History and non-corporate-ness alone (plus, yes, a kitsch factor) should bump the Telephone off the list — despite or because of the fact, like the Tiger Rag, it’s not played for anymore. As for the Cy-Hawk, the original was derided as a shop class project, the Pewter Family was evicted before ever reaching the sidelines, and now we have an end table with a somewhat awkward mascot sculpture on top.

All of the above, however, pale next to the hulking, cobbled-together Michigan State-Penn State Land Grant Trophy. Gaze at its beauty existence and do not lift without heavy equipment and/or at least two linemen.

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