Interchanges out of US 20 plan in Dubuque

This is a “clearing the spindle” week, where I bring up items glossed over during posting of my trip log and my illness.

The project page for proposed improvements to US 20 on the west side of Dubuque only includes Alternative B, which limits the area from Menards to the railroad bridge to three stoplights and creates some frontage roads. The stoplight at Menards, which today is literally the first/last one on US 20 in the state of Iowa, would be removed and Old Highway Road would be the first signalized intersection.

In July, a meeting about this area included a plan of convoluted roads that would have made the highway controlled-access. That appears to be off the table now. This construction plan is not directly related to the Southwest Arterial; the Seippel Road interchange is to the southwest of Menards.

KWWL has a story from the March 20 meeting.

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