The town of Delphos snuffed itself out this fall, and no one noticed.

The community of 25 submitted a notice of discontinuance to the City Development Board that was accepted Oct. 4 (PDF).

A lot of the people in the town are people you wouldn’t want on the Council, to put it nicely. We can’t keep a City Clerk—we don’t pay enough as an incentive for someone to do the bookwork. It just came to the point where we just need to give it up.

Delphos, in southwestern Ringgold County, is so remote Google Street View hasn’t been there yet. The county road that serves it is a narrow blacktop, not uncommon in that part of the state. I passed through in 2014 and didn’t see anything that merited a picture.

I have expected a cascade of disincorporations to start at any time; so far, though, it’s only about one a year. We ended up with two in 2017 because Mount Union’s dissolution got messy.

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