Fareway anniversary includes logo change

This kind of snuck up on me (and perhaps others) in a pair of trips to different Fareway locations recently: I knew the Boone-based grocery store chain is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, but didn’t know that the “Economical Food Stores” logo is on its way out. The “shield of quality” is moving to a secondary logo — though, of course, the chain says the emphasis on quality itself remains the same.

The Boone News-Republican (reprinted at the Ames Tribune) has an interview with the current president that also looks back at the company’s past.

Some time ago, the “Fastco” store-brand label was phased out on everything except pop, and now even that’s gone. It will take a while to get used to not seeing the logo that’s been on storefronts and ads since forever (at least 1984-85, based on a spot check of Cedar Valley Daily Times archives). But the meat department — Fareway’s bread and butter, if you will — still wears hats, and the checkout helpers still walk your cart to the car.

UPDATE: A visual aid, from one of the aforementioned trips (Vinton).


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