A missed tourism opportunity

Council: Can’t build pig in Marengo city square (Cedar Rapids Gazette, January 4, 1966)

MARENGO — Marengo isn’t going to have a pig in the city square park.
In unanimous action, the city council Monday night favored construction of the pig statue but not in the city square park as had been proposed. This action was done on advice from City Attorney John Wilkinson. Wilkinson cited legal opinions and his own opinion that the park couldn’t be used for this purpose. …
The development corporation originally proposed the pig as a tribute to the pork industry in Iowa and as a tourist attraction for Marengo. The construction of the pig in the park was favored by the planning and zoning commission.
In citing support for the project, [the group’s treasurer] said there was more unity among businessmen in favor of building the hog than there had been for anything else.

So we didn’t get a big pig to go with Albert the Bull. How about a different animal? Here’s a sleeper pick: Iowa ranks ninth or tenth in multiple categories in the sheep industry. Let’s go for a giant ewe and put it in … wait for it …

Lambs Grove.

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