Toledo getting a roundabout

This is extremely late to the party but can’t go unnoticed.

A roundabout is planned for the intersection of US 63 and Business US 30 in Toledo. A meeting was held in October about it and was covered by KCRG and the Marshalltown Times-Republican. (Here’s a correction for the T-R: The term is “right-in, right-out”, not “ride in, ride out”.)

“I don’t see how we’re going to gain anything by putting your marry-go-round [sic] down there,” Jim Kupka of Clutier told KCRG.

It’s understandable that the city of Toledo doesn’t want to deal with continuing to maintain the stoplights, which have been hanging by a diagonal string over the intersection since they were put up. If that’s the main concern, and now that the rest of 63 through Tama-Toledo has been three-laned, maybe the solution is simply — ugh — a four-way stop.

The deadline for feedback has passed, but we all know what the answer is: No matter how many people hate it, it’s coming next year.

It will be the first roundabout in Tama County.

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