Mar 24


Don’t do this again, ISU Alumni Association. Even if it means you have to wait to send the message until 10 PM Sunday.

(Due to work, I observed the score at halftime and then did not observe again.)

PS: How do you offer a massive air/hotel package like this and not include tickets?!

Posted in Sports | Comments Off on Jinx
Mar 24

Major overnight closures on I-35/80 this week

This week, the western third or so of the I-35/80 multiplex in the Des Moines suburbs will close from 11 PM to 4 AM. The closures are needed for converting the Hickman Road exit into a diverging diamond interchange.

The closures last through Friday morning, according to a press release from the DOT. The detour mostly follows NW 100th Street, which is a surface street.

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Mar 19

Waterloo rebuilding part of San Marnan Drive

One of the biggest construction projects on San Marnan Drive since the route was built as IA 412 is Waterloo’s big project this summer. The road is going to be rebuilt this year, and much of the underlying road likely is original to state construction 65 years ago.

The project is in three stages that go west from IA 21 nearly to Ansborough Avenue. Most of the time the intersection with Kimball Avenue will be open. There is a frontage road between IA 21 and Kimball but it’s hard to get to from 21.

The city’s website outlines the stages of the six-month project.

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Mar 13

School enrollment map, 2000-25, and more

This is the second part of my work on 2025 enrollment information. It’s a map of changes since 2000 for districts that haven’t substantially changed in size, and also the roundup of eye-popping Waukee statistics.

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Mar 11

School enrollment and ESAs for 2024-25

My number crunching for school enrollment has a new dimension: education savings accounts, or vouchers, and where students using them are from, and how much money the state could have given to public schools instead of private schools.

By the way, as of Monday night, the Senate STILL has not taken up the House’s call for 2.25% plus $10 per student in the supplemental aid bill. The Legislature was (cough) too busy before funnel week.

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Mar 07

Orient-Macksburg dissolution passes

The Orient-Macksburg school district will dissolve after the 2025-26 school year. The vote wasn’t close, 203-18, with 10 of the no’s coming from Madison County. Most of the district’s land and students will become part of Nodaway Valley.

Orient-Macksburg’s speech club has posted a video of a performance of “The Last Letter Jacket,” which I wrote about last month on Substack.

The (vertical) video is at this Facebook link, at least for now.

A bill to synchronize Iowa Code on reorganizations and dissolutions, to make them all effective the July 1 of the subsequent calendar year, was passed by the Legislature but remains to be signed by the governor.

Apparently the governor was extremely busy last week, if you know what I mean.

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Mar 05

Some people will drink to this

Tama County now has a (one, singular) Starbucks. It’s not a standalone site, it’s inside the casino, but it still counts … right?

(Funny enough, it’s about equal distance from Traer to the casino as it is from Traer to the nearest Starbucks in Waterloo [Crossroads Mall], both about 24 miles.)

Posted in Tama County | Comments Off on Some people will drink to this
Feb 28

Dubuque wants roundabouts on University Avenue

Four roundabouts are planned for central Dubuque on the University Avenue corridor. KCRG reports that drivers are using that street to get off US 20. (University is an ancient alignment of 20.) This plan would require buying houses at certain intersections for right of way. The city had a meeting Thursday night.

University Avenue is not a straight street, and the intersections where roundabouts are being proposed are not right-angle intersections. That means that I can kind of waggle my hand neutrally at them.

The roundabouts are part of a much larger plan to:

  • three-lane Asbury Road west into Asbury
  • add “enhanced crosswalks”
  • reconfigure at least one intersection
  • add/improve sidewalks along Asbury Road and Pennsylvania Avenue
  • make intersections on University Avenue between Asbury and Pennsylvania right-in-right-out

Thursday’s meeting was very early in the process. There is no dedicated funding or schedule.

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Feb 25

Does it need a ‘SLOW’ triangle?

There’s going to be something big moving on the highways in Washington County today and tomorrow. (Too bad I already have something in the works for Substack this week.)

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Does it need a ‘SLOW’ triangle?
Feb 24

Watching TV is so hard nowadays

About a month ago, Mediacom shut off its unencrypted cable signal. That means my favorite way to watch TV — on the computer — couldn’t work with cable anymore. Ironically, even as I write this now, the signal to my tube TV still works — but only for the networks, network subchannels, and C-SPANs.

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