Here comes the I-35 flyover ramp

The “Stage 3A” plan for the northeast mixmaster includes this sign on eastbound I-80. The present gantry has the BGS for the left exit on I-35 with a 45 mph limit.

What has been perhaps Iowa’s most notorious left-hand interstate exit — and after the the past 15 years of construction, one of Iowa’s only remaining left-hand interstate exits — is going away soon.

If you’ve driven past the northeast mixmaster recently, you’ve seen construction of bridge pillars for a big flyover bridge for northbound I-35 from eastbound I-35/80. The paving plans for that bridge are part of the July lettings this week, along with a signage plan whose overview diagrams made my laptop squeal with pain.

This part of the project also includes an entirely new ramp for northbound I-35 from westbound I-80, farther away from the center of the interchange than the current ramp is. A new ramp from eastbound I-80 to eastbound (southbound) I-235 will be joined with the flyover. That’s where the above BGS image comes in. Eastbound I-35/80 will have a single exit point that then forks into 35 across the flyover and 235 on the southwest side of the interchange.

The new sign uses long “ahead” arrows instead of down-pointing arrows, a sign standard from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The MUTCD is being updated this year. I disagree with this change; I think pointing down for the thru traffic (kind of like a “stay in this lane” message) with an arrow for exiting traffic (a “go here” message) made more sense.

I am surprised, given the space available, that Chicago was not added as a second control city for eastbound I-80. Perhaps there’s still time to add that in the final product.

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