Four roundabouts are planned for central Dubuque on the University Avenue corridor. KCRG reports that drivers are using that street to get off US 20. (University is an ancient alignment of 20.) This plan would require buying houses at certain intersections for right of way. The city had a meeting Thursday night.
University Avenue is not a straight street, and the intersections where roundabouts are being proposed are not right-angle intersections. That means that I can kind of waggle my hand neutrally at them.
The roundabouts are part of a much larger plan to:
- three-lane Asbury Road west into Asbury
- add “enhanced crosswalks”
- reconfigure at least one intersection
- add/improve sidewalks along Asbury Road and Pennsylvania Avenue
- make intersections on University Avenue between Asbury and Pennsylvania right-in-right-out
Thursday’s meeting was very early in the process. There is no dedicated funding or schedule.