Best refills at the fair, gone

It’s a short story, but a notable one. Crescenti’s food stand won’t be at the Iowa State Fair for the first time in four decades. The five-paragraph, two-subhead story in the Des Moines Register says the owner is hanging it up.

The Register story, which was posted online July 17 and printed July 22, has an error in it. Crescenti’s is was nowhere near the horse barn. It’s much closer to the Pavilion, or even more accurately Pella Plaza, near the south end of the Triangle and the Riley Stage.

In a detail not covered in that story, Crescenti’s consistently had the cheapest drink refills at the fair, usually by 50 cents. Everyone raised prices in 2021, but I still would walk from a good ways away — perhaps even the horse barn — to get my multiple-years-old refillable container refilled there.

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