NU High to close

(Image: Waterloo Courier)

Its official name is “Malcolm Price Laboratory School” or “Price Lab.” But when it comes to sports, we know it as “NU High” (for Northern University). Its connection to UNI wasn’t that much of a concern or thought — until now.

UNI wants to close the school effective at the end of this school year, a result of severe budget issues. The Des Moines Register and Waterloo Courier are both on it. Closing requires approval from the Board of Regents and Legislature.

After a fire in the late early ’90s, NU High got a really, really nice gym. Home football games in the UNI-Dome gave visiting teams the chance to experience a playoff atmosphere even if it would never happen for them.

Although it’s not exactly like a public small school closing, the effects will be much the same.

EDIT 12/5/12: Corrected time frame of fire (1993).

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