University Avenue proposal is roundabout nightmare

With it being Halloween and all, here’s a scary story from the Waterloo Courier regarding University Avenue, old US 218, between IA 58 and US 63.

But those speaking at the hearing were more concerned about the “preferred” design, which includes 11 roundabout intersections, reducing the road from six to four lanes in most places and adding bicycle lanes and recreational trails.

ELEVEN ROUNDABOUTS. In a span of less than five miles. One would be at the east end with US 63, making that at least the third roundabout in the state involving a signed state/US road.

If the state wants to get traffic off University Avenue, that would be a surefire way to do it. Business owners along the route hate the idea, and with good reason.

The plan is broken into two PDF files, a writeup, and a video on the DOT’s website. There is no timetable for actual construction yet.

Yes, University Avenue doesn’t serve quite the same purpose now as it did when it carried 218, and yes, it is time for a complete rebuilding of the road. But that is not the way to do it.

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