IA 100 plans out, but will still take a decade

March 18, 2004: This sign near Edgewood Road won’t be going anywhere for a while.

The Iowa DOT had an open meeting on IA 100 Wednesday in Cedar Rapids and put the plans online. KCRG has a news story about the meeting, embedded below.

The extension would be completed in two stages, from Edgewood Road (interchange rebuilt into a SPUI) to Covington Road (old IA 94) and then to US 30. There would be essentially two new interchanges built at the latter, with the current 16th Avenue end area torn up for flyover ramps. The whole thing would be finished in 2020, according to this latest plan, but that carries a tinge of “if everything goes right and without any more setbacks”. Early parts are in the current five-year plan, though.

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