AHSTW joins the five-letter acronym club

Avoca-Hancock-Shelby-Tennant and Walnut, which have been sharing football for years, are going all-in on whole-grade sharing (links: KMA, Omaha World-Herald). This school year, Walnut is the 10th-smallest school district in the state by certified enrollment, but the second-smallest that still had a high school. The superintendent of both schools said Walnut has lost half its student population in five years. The school building in Shelby closed not too long ago.

AHSTW, which straddles I-80 in far western Iowa, is too far away to compete against BCLUW and AGWSR in an Ultimate Acronym Deathmatch, but the latter two will play each other in Class A District 4. (OABCIG would round out the bracket, but only has four towns among those six letters.)

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