Tama County did not get a disaster proclamation

This is very interesting. Despite an EF2 tornado chewing up part of Traer with tree damage throughout town, and severe flooding on the Iowa River bad enough to close US 63 and swamp Chelsea (again), the list on the Iowa Homeland Security website does not include Tama County among the 19 counties designated for state resources and/or individual assistance since June 30.

The list does include Adair and Guthrie, which got hit with large hail earlier in the day on June 30, and Black Hawk and Marshall, which had flooding on the Cedar and Iowa rivers. In fact, every county with a major segment of the Iowa River south of Iowa Falls except for Tama and Washington has received a declaration.

Admittedly, this post may carry a little whiff of “it’s not a disaster unless it happens to you,” but I’d be curious about the rationale for not granting Tama County access to assistance.

UPDATE: Disaster proclamation issued July 10.

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