‘West Scott’ school district split?

This isn’t a horse of a different color, it’s a horse off the spectrum of visible light: Mayors of Blue Grass, Buffalo, and Walcott are interested in splitting their towns away from the Davenport school district, report the Quad-City Times and WQAD. To my knowledge, there has never been a full-fledged rupture of a consolidated district in the modern era.

The enrollment figure given in the story, 1167 students, may only apply to the elementary buildings in the three towns, but even that would crack the top 100 for the state of Iowa.

The Davenport district was in the news recently because its superintendent was vowing to break state law and spend financial reserves. The standoff over next year’s funding in the Legislature isn’t helping that situation, of course, and although there was an attempt to make progress on the specific issue of per-pupil spending discrepancies, it didn’t make it very far.

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