Advice for presidential candidates visiting our fair state

It’s the odd-numbered year before a presidential election, which means candidates of all stripes will be descending upon Des Moines’ east side to appear at the Iowa State Fair. As an Iowa State Fair lover and politics junkie, I have a friendly bit of advice: If you are a presidential candidate, do not eat a corn dog.

You will not look dignified while eating a corn dog. Your photo will be added to Gawker galleries of politicians looking unpresidential while eating corn dogs. Sit down at the Beef Quarters or Pork Tent and eat a hot beef sundae or pork dinner. If you don’t want to sit, grab a ribeye sandwich or pork chop on a stick (or both if you’re as diplomatic as Mike Pearson). Drink some lemonade. Have a turkey leg. On second thought, maybe don’t, even if it’s to show solidarity in Iowa’s recovery from bird flu, because being photographed with a turkey leg has its own drawbacks. Have a Rice Krispie bar on a stick Fair Square. Have a grinder. Have some cheese curds (unless you’re Scott Walker and need to avoid offending Wisconsin’s cows).

There are many, many fine Iowa State Fair foods you can partake of while making your case to be our next president. A corn dog just isn’t one of them.

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