A guide to state triple points

June 26, 2014: The Arkansas-Missouri-Oklahoma triple point is just off MO/AR 43 in Southwest City, Missouri. Photo looking from Oklahoma mostly into Arkansas.

The Washington Post has an interactive map that details every location three states in the United States meet and how accessible they are. The map is with a short story about two brothers who have visited as many of them as they can, including those in the middle of bodies of water. Five of Iowa’s six triple points are in rivers, so I have to pass on that part of the “collection list.” I’ve been as close to the points as one can get on land, though.

I’ve been to all five land-based triple points of the states on the west side of the Mississippi: MN/ND/SD, IA/MN/SD, KS/MO/OK, AR/MO/OK, and AR/LA/TX.

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