North Liberty comes around on ‘Highway 965’

September 28, 2014: “Highway 965” appeared on detour signs on I-380 because that’s the street’s official name, for now at least.

Iowa Highway 965 was born in 1985, running between the south side of Cedar Rapids and Coralville when US 218 was moved onto I-380. It was signed even though it was a 900-series highway. In 1994, however, the segment inside the city of North Liberty was turned over to the city, splitting the highway in two. The city made “Highway 965” the official street name (rather than “Old Highway 218”), presumably to keep a semblance of continuity. But then, when the rest of 965 (except for the tiny piece between I-80 and US 6) was killed off in 2003, North Liberty had a designation attached to a road that no longer existed in the public eye.

Long story short, “Highway 965” has been around twice as long as IA 965 technically ran through North Liberty, has been around a decade since other signs were gone, and now the city is finally thinking about changing it. Old highways never die, they just change designations.

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