Wyoming bumping two-lane roads to 70 mph

Parts of US 20 and US 30 in the eastern Rockies are getting an upgrade not in lanes, but in limits. The Wyoming Department of Transportation is phasing in 70-mph limits on lightly traveled rural highways this spring. Among the segments are 87 miles of US 20/26 west of Casper and the part of US 30 between Laramie and Rawlins that isn’t on I-80. (Historical note: While the latter is the Lincoln Highway corridor, the road of today is a straighter, safer version of what was there in the 1920s.)

Twenty-one months ago, Wyoming raised the speed limit on rural interstates, allowing drivers to legally do 80 on I-80. The closest 80-mph interstates to Iowa are I-29 between North Sioux City and Sioux Falls and I-90 between Sioux Falls and the Minnesota state line.

In Iowa, a proposal to raise the speed limit on two-lane roads to 60 mph didn’t make it anywhere this legislative session in part because it would cost money.

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