In which I think way way way too hard about something that doesn’t affect me

The “Unicode Consortium” has approved 230 new emojis for inclusion in Unicode this year. Yes, there’s a cabal official organization dedicated to such things. Many of the new symbols support people with disabilities.

But is it up to me to point out that the holding-hands emoji set offering dozens of permutations of genders and skin colors doesn’t include redheads? It was only months ago, in fact, that a redhead became an option for your steadily-devolving-into-hieroglyphics communications strategy in iOS 12.1.

(It’s Valentine’s Day, which features a lot people holding hands, and Disney Channel’s live-action “Kim Possible” movie, featuring the second-most-prominent redhead created for the House of Mouse, comes out tomorrow. Double, although non-Iowa, hooks.)

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