Galt post office a dead letter

Second of three blog posts related to a May 23 DNR press release.

Sometimes I have really had to reach for a photo in a tiny village that gives any sense of place. Sometimes I give up. Other times I make do with what’s left.

In this case, I doubled up on desperation, because on two different trips I settled on the only commercial structure in Galt (pop. 32) — the abandoned post office. Guess I didn’t do enough of a check on existing photos.

September 11, 2014

July 9, 2018

If Galt is known to anyone outside Wright County, it’s because it was the closest incorporated place to the DeCoster egg production facilities, which were the subject of a salmonella contamination recall nearly a decade ago. The owner and his son were sent to prison and the facilities are under different management.

Now the post office, closed for a time unknown, will be demolished.

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