Perry pavement had a good run

While doing research I discovered that Park Street on the northwest side of Perry was still its original concrete with original curbs. Was.

Google imagery showed a brand new asphalt overlay on top of that road for its 1-mile length. An item at the end of a city council story in the Perry Chief confirmed it: The concrete visible in the 2013 Street View was covered up in summer 2018.

That pavement opened September 17, 1935, based on an article the previous week in the Perry Press. Unfortunately, it was a super case of bad timing. Weeks later, the Highway Commission approved moving IA 46 a mile south between Dawson and Perry. However, that road would not be paved until 1941 (and renumbered IA 141 the same year), so it’s possible that Park Street continued to get a decent amount of traffic until then.

Having the highway relocated basically at the same time the paving was completed may explain how that concrete made it three-quarters of a century before an overlay created a new surface that also widened the road by leveling the new asphalt with the lips of the curbs.

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