Is America slipping into a fat-jeans phase?

I must voice support for my millennial sisters who have spent much of this year having fashion choices heckled by the youth of Generation Z who wouldn’t know a pair of JNCOs if it walked up and said howdy. We shall not be dictated to by people wearing jeans with giant holes on the thighs. (See also this tweet compilation.)

On the other hand, we have these two stories that aren’t officially related, but might well be …

As consumers venture back into shopping malls and fill online carts, retailers say they’re adjusting accordingly by ramping up orders for spring merchandise and displaying wide-leg jeans and colorful tops more prominently. (Washington Post)

The American Psychological Association’s Stress in America pandemic survey polled 3,013 adults in the U.S. and found that the majority, 61%, said they experienced undesired weight changes. (CBS)

Perhaps the combination of a 15-month-old decade, new president and a desire to put the plague in the past is making things ripe for a change. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Look, if every grocery store in a 30-mile radius never has any of three Healthy Choice dinners I want, I’m totally justified if not obligated to pop in yet another pizza, right?
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