304 is 404

June 6, 1993: Troop 304 Scoutmaster Dennis Kucera addresses the Cub Scouts who just received the Arrow of Light, advancing to Boy Scouts, at the Taylor Park shelter house in Traer.

Cub Scout Pack 304 and Boy Scout Troop 304 of Traer, Iowa, are defunct. This is months after the fact, but I only found out earlier this month.

The official term may be “inactive”, but lack of interest, leaders, or both has led to the end of Scouting in my hometown. The Girl Scout troop, too, has dried up. The Girl Scouts of America organization has been dealing with decline for a decade.

Pack 304 had a Facebook page, updated sporadically. The posts preceding the official end announcement were about the spaghetti supper held on Monday, March 9, 2020. If the cause of death was not “of COVID,” then at least it was “with COVID.”

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