A new name in the records

State football playoffs for the four smallest classes begin today. It seems wrong to me that they start so early, but that’s what happens when you have to wedge in an extra round but also only play one game a week but also still have to have the finals at the end of the week before Thanksgiving.

Somewhere in the mess of the IHSAA’s website is the football record book, which I will link directly here. This year’s book has something you don’t see everywhere:

Yes, that is a Katie in Iowa’s high school football record book, and Van Meter did score 11 touchdowns in a game last season. Last year, Lindsay became the first girl to score in a state football championship game — on not just an extra point but the game-deciding field goal — on Van Meter’s state championship run.

Lindsay, a junior, made a school visit to Iowa State recently (segment starts at about 56 minutes), and she said in the linked podcast she wants to play football in college. I hope someone told her Iowa State can use all the kickers it can get.

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