A new place to publish

The Iowa Writers’ Collaborative has expanded again, this time picking up someone you might be familiar with: Me. My Substack is named Between Two Rivers.

This blog isn’t going anywhere. Posts will continue to appear, though I’m not sure on what timetable. I plan to use the Substack for my “longform” pieces. I will link to them from here. I hope it will kick me into gear to write trip reports I never got around to writing.

The paywall plan is undecided at this time. Subscriptions are available, and if you’ve loved/liked/tolerated my work I’d appreciate the support. If you sign up before noon today, you’ll get my introductory Substack post in your e-mail.

Now, if only I could figure out how to put stuff under a set of footnotes at Substack (update: nope) and make WordPress use smart quotes all the time (update: Plenty of ways to drop them, seemingly none to add).

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