If cats are outlawed, only outlaws will have cats

October 20, 2018: I didn’t think I’d get a blog post hook for this fast friend in Washta (who didn’t want to sit for a picture), but … kittykittykittykitty!

From a KMA story about a Shenandoah man’s call for cat registration:

“He (Ferguson) puts out bird seed and feed for the different wild birds in the area,” said Lyman. “And, he has some cats in the neighborhood that are coming, and eating some of the birds. He’s tried to talk to who he believes the owners to be of these cats, and have asked them to keep the cats inside. The parties in question have maintained they’re not their cats–they just put food out for them.”

You can’t OWN cats, man. They don’t like the demotion. And they especially don’t like being told they’re banned from the buffet.

(Yes I realize the story is about registration not a ban.)
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