The passing of an age, a couple ages ago

“That the ranks of Civil War veterans are being thinned more rapidly as the years pass is indicated by the mortality figures at the Iowa Soldiers’ Home for the year 1919. The heaviest death rate ever known in the institution was recorded during the year just closed, when ‘taps’ was sounded 155 times, or an average of more than twice a week. Compared to the preceding year, when 137 died, the increase seems large, but when it is taken into consideration that there is scarcely a Civil War veteran now in the Home who is less than seventy-five years of age the death rate is not so notable.”
Traer Star-Clipper, January 16, 1920

In 2020, our youngest remaining World War II veterans are entering their mid-90s. According to a statistic from the VA published at the National World War II Museum’s website, there are fewer than 400,000 WWII vets alive today, 5000 in Iowa.

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