Fort Dodge bridge meeting next week

Remember how the news about the transfer of Business US 169/IA 926 to the city of Fort Dodge had a curious caveat? That caveat has become meaningful.

In 2014, the transfer of jurisdiction said “excluding bridges,” the bridges in question being the Karl King Viaduct and Kenyon Road bridge, both over the Des Moines River*. Fort Dodge took that jurisdiction and mangled a central intersection.

Now, there’s a notice for a DOT meeting Feb. 18 about “proposed traffic control options” for replacing the Kenyon Road bridge, the southern one of the two. A bridge in this location dates back to 1935, and used to carry US 20. (However, 20 may not have been put on it until 1937, and I address that discrepancy in my Fort Dodge Highway Chronology.)

The press release says the bridge replacement will take place in 2023.

*As of this writing, Google Maps is labeling the Des Moines River north of Saylorville Lake as “Deer Creek” and not labeling it north of Jackson MN at all. Huh?

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