Gladbrook school to be demolished this year

From the Sun-Courier, on last month’s Gladbrook-Reinbeck school board meeting:

Bid documents were approved for the demolition of the vacant school building in Gladbrook. The project is currently out for bid through Align Architecture. The project would seek to remove everything that is contained on the school property except for the sidewalks.

Much, but not all, of the Gladbrook school complex — including the gym — dates to a $315,000 addition in 1953. The pool was built in 1967. The school, town, and state plowed $548,000 into a fitness center on the south side in 2007-08.

The demolition is unrelated to a vote on extension of the G-R Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) for 2024-34. On March 1, Reinbeck overwhelmingly voted for the PPEL and, in a sign of continued bad blood, Gladbrook overwhelmingly voted against.

North Tama doesn’t have a PPEL, which will be a factor in its attempt to embark on a massive infrastructure project. South Tama’s PPEL lost by one vote in 2013. The plan for a new middle school is a bond issue, and it was approved March 1.

More people voted on South Tama’s bond issue than Clear Creek Amana’s, where they’re getting yet another elementary school.

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