Iowa adds online specialty plate applications

Previously, Iowans looking for vanity (or as they like to call them now, “personalized”) and specialty license plates could look online and even type characters in to see how it would look, but couldn’t finish the process or see if that phrase was in use. Now the application can be completed online, report both Radio Iowa and KCRG. The latter also notes that only 2% of license plates active in Iowa are vanity and/or something other than the basic six-character code (the college plates, REAP, etc.).

One thing that isn’t changing is that unlike some states, Iowa’s college plates are limited to universities and private colleges in the state. Wartburg and Central rule the latter category, but still have fewer than 400 apiece. Small college, Cyclone and Hawkeye fans alike, though, can agree that this mockup below would be SICK AND WRONG:

I feel unclean just for creating this.

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