Muscatine renames short street, seeks reclassification of old IA 92

Last week’s Muscatine City Council meeting included two items of interest for map geeks. One was renaming a short stub of Cherry Street near Eighth Street to Juniper Street, and it looks like Google is already on it, which comes as a strong counterpoint to its inability to delete the spur highway markers that died in 2003.

The other is a request to the DOT to reclassify Mississippi Drive from a major to minor artery, which would allow Muscatine “to continue to pursue federal funding for the Mississippi Drive Corridor Project while not having to comply with additional federal regulations.” That street is what was IA 92 running northeast from the southwest corner of the Muscatine bypass to IA 38. If the signs have not been changed yet, hopefully this will be the kicker for it.

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