464 MB of John Kasich

IFAugust 18, 2015: Are you sure you want to run away and join the media circus?

Today is Day 1403 of the 2016 presidential campaign, dating back to the Des Moines Register‘s first Iowa Poll on the election. (If you think it ended, I would like to move under your rock.) It’s also Day 5 of the 2018 Iowa State Fair, which is three years after the parade to the presidency mostly avoided being photographed eating a corn dog.

When I go to appearances by presidential candidates, I make sure I get pictures of them speaking. See, for example, this 3-part retrospective of 2008. Sometimes, I go for short movies too. But when I was using my newer Nikon, I left the HD setting on. In this case, it was Ohio Gov. John Kasich doing the Des Moines Register Soapbox from inside the Service Center thanks to an annoying spot of rain.

He may or may not still be running. I think it’s safe to shrink that file. Next up: a near-gigabyte of Bernie Sanders in Cedar Falls.

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